HAGL Agrico announces the BOD's resolution on the public offering of bonds


HAGL Agrico announces the BOD's resolution dated May 06, 2018 as follows:

Article 1: The BOD approved the documents of public offering of bonds.

Article 2: The plan for the use of proceeds from public offering:

-          Expected mobilized capital: VND2,217,100,000,000.

-          Plan for the use of proceeds:

  • To plant new fruit trees: VND1,137,000,000,000.
  • To restructure finance: VND1,080,100,000,000.

Until 31/03/2018, the Company has the following liabilities:

                                                                                                                   Unit: VND thousand

No. Liabilities Balance at 31/03/2018
1 Short-term liabilities 1,008,780,729
2 Long-term liabilities 12,417,155,909
  Total 13,425,936,638


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