HAGL Agrico announces the result of public offering of bonds


On August 07, 2018, the Board of Directors of HAGL Agrico approved the result of public offering of bonds as follows:

1. Number of bonds registered purchase by existing shareholders: 22 bonds

-       Offering price: 10,000,000 dongs/bond

2. Number of bonds continues to be distributed to other investors  due to refusing by shareholders existing: 221,688 bonds

-       Offering price: 10,000,000 dongs/bond

-       Number of investors participating in the purchase of bonds: 01 investor (Truong Hai Auto Corporation)

3. Number of bonds offered to succeed in the public offering of convertible bonds (1) + (2): 221,710 bonds

-       Total value: VND2,217,100,000,000.

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