HAGL Agrico received the Additional Securities Registration Certificate granted by VSD


On 23 August 2019, HAGL Agrico received the Additional Securities Registration Certificate No.54/2015/GCNCP-VSD-3 granted by VSD with the main contents as follows:

- Securities name: Share of Hoang Anh Gia Lai Agricultural Joint Stock Company

- Securities code: HNG

- ISIN code: VN000000HNG9

- Par value: VND 10,000 (ten thousand dongs)

- Securities type: common share

- Number of additional share registration: 221,710,000 shares

- Value of additional share registration: VND 2,217,100,000,000 

Quantity of currently registered securities: 1,108,553,895 shares

The value of currently registered securities: VND 11,085,538,950,000

Registration mode: book entry  

The official document from VSD: link download