Report on changes in ownership of major shareholders


Report on changes in ownership of major shareholders with following details:

1. Information on individual/institutional investor

- Name of individual/organization investor: Hung Thang Loi Gia Lai JSC 

- Nationality: Vietnamese

- Certificate of business registration No. : 5901046432  Date of issue: 12 Oct 2016  Place of issue: Department of Planning and Investment of Gia Lai Province

- Address: 15 Truong Chinh, Pleiku City, Gia Lai Province, Vietnam

- Telephone: 02692211552 Fax: ……… Email: ……… Website: …………………..

2. Related person (currently holding the same types of shares/ fund certificates): None

3. Name & code of share/fund certificate owned: HNG – Hoang Anh Gia Lai Agricultural Joint Stock Company

4. Trading account number with shares mentioned in paragraph 3 above: 021C116205 at VNDIRECT

5. Number, ownership proportion of shares/fund certificates held before the transaction: 50,000,000 shares (5.6%)

6. Number of shares/fund certificates being purchased (resulted in the percentage of ownership has changed over the threshold of one percent (1%): 37,000,000 shares

7. Number, ownership proportion of shares/fund certificates hold after the transaction: 87,000,000 (9.8%)

8. Number, onwerhsip proportion of shares/ closed fund certificates currently held by the related person: 0 share (0%)

9. Number, ownership proportion of shares/fund certificates held by individual/ organization investor and related person after the transaction: 87,000,000 shares (9.8%)

10. Reasons for change in ownership: Financial investment

11. Date of change in ownership: 15 May 2019 - 16 May 2019

12. Other significant changes (if any): None

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